When I decided to restart my blog a month ago, I wanted to move from Blogspot and use this opportunity to try some new technologies. Static website generators always looked like a very interesting technology and my blog seemed like an ideal candidate for the first try. There are many static website generators available, the most prominent ones are Jekyll, Hugo or Next. But my eye got caught by another one - Wyam. It has nice clear documentation, seems to be well maintained and it is written in C#, so when I need, I can dive into the source code without any problems.
I am working on a small side-project, that uses ASP.NET Core API. This application will be used only occasionally so it would really benefit from using the serverless approach. Unfortunately Azure Functions doesn't provide support for running ASP.NET applications, instead, you can use HttpTrigger
. Azure Function documentation says:
In the previous post, I set up my blog to run on Azure Static Website. However, it was accessible only on the domain provided by Azure blogkabrtcz.z6.web.core.windows.net
and I'd like to use my own domain blog.kabrt.cz